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Insurance – Launch and Growth of Coles Insurance

The CEO of Wesfarmers Affinity & Direct Insurance engaged Frazer Walker to help set up the new business and launch Coles Insurance. Our Program Management team helped manage the roadmap to support the rapid growth of the business

The Challenge

The initial challenge was to put in place sufficient systems, processes and customer documentation to support the launch of this new insurance business to tight timeframes

The next challenge was to scale the business and introduce business process and technology that could support the rapid growth

Our Work

Our Program Management and General Insurance specialists helped plan the initial launch and to put in place the processes and systems
We helped plan a three horizon roadmap to support the initial launch, stabilisation and growth of the business
As the business grew, we helped manage the move to Business Process Outsourcing with Wesfarmers selected provider in South Africa

The Outcome

The business was able to launch, achieve a presence in the Australian Direct Insurance marketplace and rapidly scale to become a leading provider in the Australian marketplace


For more information please contact Nick Careless, Phone: +61 410 640 993, Email: